The Digital rights (future perspectives and horizons)


  • Alireza Annabi Basic lawyer of justice and director of the Department of Law and International Law of Islamic Azad University, Maragheh branch,Iran



digital rights, digital management, standardization, digital drugs


Digital rights include those legal issues that appear on the Internet and various software platforms, which include many instances and areas of the rights of real and legal persons. Among them are the right to access the digital space, the right to remain anonymous, political and public rights, the right to data justice, private rights and the like. If the field of digital rights is not managed properly, it will cause many problems and challenges. Among those challenges, we can mention threats to privacy, lack of management strategy, lack of sufficient expertise in the field of digital transformation, and security concerns. It seems that until these challenges and ambiguities are accurately identified and explained, it will not be possible to pass effective laws and adopt appropriate operational packages that can lead to the order of the digital space, and in this regard, the goal should be to inform users and develop and strengthen their skills in this space.



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How to Cite

Annabi, A. (2024). The Digital rights (future perspectives and horizons). International Journal of Advanced Research in Humanities and Law, 1(2), 1–14.


