The challenges of the United Nations about peacekeeping in Cyprus and protecting the human rights of its inhabitants


  • Seyyed Ahmad Rasi Researcher and PhD student in Public International Law, Faculty of Law, Islamic Azad University Of Central Tehran Branch, Iran



United Nations, Peacekeeping, Cyprus, Human rights


The peace plan known as the Annan plan was presented by the United Nations and many negotiations between the two sides were held under the supervision of this organization, which failed for several reasons. And the unification of the island has not been achieved. Ethnic conflict and Turkish and Greek nationalism, differences over how to distribute power, demographic, territorial issues, problems, and how Cyprus interacts with the two countries of Greece and Turkey as the guarantors of the island's independence, are among the main obstacles of the Cyprus problem. By relying on military forces, Turkey and Greece, by taking advantage of the historical and cultural scope, are trying to gain more sphere of influence in Cyprus and resolve this issue in their own interest. It is because of this issue that the United Nations has entered the issue and has tried to solve the related challenge with numerous resolutions. Based on this, we intend to pay attention to the subject of the challenges of the United Nations about peacekeeping in Cyprus and protecting the human rights of its inhabitants based on the analytical-descriptive method and in the form of a library. The results of the research show that the relevant organization has not been completely successful in its mission, but it has been able to manage the issue of peacekeeping and manage tension and physical conflict for decades, although the presence of Turkish military forces also provides the necessary balance in the practical field and in the politics.



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How to Cite

Rasi, S. A. (2023). The challenges of the United Nations about peacekeeping in Cyprus and protecting the human rights of its inhabitants. International Journal of Advanced Research in Humanities and Law, 1(1), 17–31.


