Consciousness as a structure by studying the role of Attention: An Ontological study


  • Sarisa Khani BSc Student in Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj branch, Sanandaj, Iran
  • Mahan Saedi BSc Student in Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj branch, Sanandaj, Iran



Consciousness, Attention, Formal ontology, Working memory, Awareness


Introduction: Consciousness has always been the focus of various theorists. Most of these theories have looked at consciousness as a single and indivisible entity. In this research, an attempt has been made to provide a structure and model for consciousness according to the mechanisms and components related to it (attention, working memory, senses, awareness, and quality) and also according to the basics of neuroscience. Methods: In this research, which is an ontological study. With various analyzes and arguments, it has been tried to provide a structure for consciousness within the framework of Husserl's formal ontology. Results: The results of the arguments and analyzes of this research showed us that working memory helps to form the content of consciousness by processing information as well as encoding information in working memory. Working memory also makes us aware of part of our inputs by directing the attention mechanism. Finally, our direct experience and subjectivity from this continuous flow of information leads to the emergence of consciousness as a set of qualities. Conclusion: Consciousness as a whole has parts. The presented model for consciousness shows that consciousness has levels and one of these levels is conscious attention. Also, consciousness has informational content (our processed information) as well as experiential content (qualia).


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How to Cite

Khani, S., & Saedi, M. (2024). Consciousness as a structure by studying the role of Attention: An Ontological study. International Journal of Advanced Research in Humanities and Law, 1(2), 91–100.


