The impact of flipped learning on learners’ foreign language anxiety


  • Hossein Siahpoosh Assistant professor, Department of English Language, Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran.
  • Maryam Bagherin PhD Candidate of TEFL, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil Branch, Ardabil, Iran



Pre-intermediate learners, flipped learning, foreign language anxiety


Flipped learning has become a popular approach in different educational fields, including foreign language learning. The present study investigated the impact of teaching vocabularies via flipped classrooms on Iranian EFL learners’ foreign language anxiety (FLA). A total of 90 pre-intermediate Iranian EFL learners participated in this study. One class was randomly assigned to the flipped group as the experimental one (N=45) and the other was non-flipped as the control group (N=45). The anxiety of learners was determined by the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) before and after the treatment in flipped and non-flipped groups comparatively. The results of this study showed a significant reduction in FLA levels in the flipped group. However, there was no significant change in the non-flipped group.


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How to Cite

Siahpoosh , H., & Bagherin, M. (2024). The impact of flipped learning on learners’ foreign language anxiety. International Journal of Advanced Research in Humanities and Law, 1(2), 38–49.


